We have been following a low impact environmental policy for several years. This began in 2015 with the decision to employ solar panels at every centre where possible. This reduced our carbon footprint substantially and last year this led to a saving of 231 tonnes of carbon. To get an idea of this saving in the real world – this is the equivalent of 49.9 cars being driven for 1 year or 535 barrels of oil.
Following on from this we have invested heavily in new lighting technology and by the end of 2020 all of the Pure Centres will have converted to LED lighting which will drive similar savings as the solar panels. The LED panels not only use up to 90 % less electricity they are also better for our clients as the light from traditional bulbs can buzz, flicker and produce much harsher light… In tandem with this we recycle and re-use where we can, segregate all of our waste to ensure that we create as little landfill as possible and we continue to examine other ways to reduce the impact we have on the planet.