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It’s A Wrap! Our 2023 Volunteering Mission!

This year has seen our most successful volunteering programme to date.

Three quarters of the team volunteered at local charities across the UK, equalling 43 days in total throughout 2023.

The centre teams got stuck in and lent a helping hand, everything from clearing bridleways, helping at a food bank, working on reception at a hospice, grounds maintenance at animal sanctuaries, sorting donations, walking rescue dogs, helping pack items for refugees,  helping with fundraising to decorating counselling rooms.

We are incredibly proud of the charities we have supported across the country.

Pure Offices Base 51 volunteering pure volunteering pure volunteering

Pure offices volunteering  pure volunteering

pure volunteering


A big thank you to all of the Pure teams and their chosen charities, along with everyone supporting us on this journey. We endeavour to continue with these efforts and make a difference to fantastic causes throughout 2024.